July, 17 2014
Dear Diary,
Today I went swimming with dolphins, and on a slide that goes through a shark tank, while on vacation in Atlantis. I am with my cousins and family and we are having really a lot of fun so far. We had to wake up early today, around 7 A.M, which isn't really early it's just that we are on vacation and we usually woke up later. Our parents came into our room and started shaking us telling us to get ready because we are going to go swimming with dolphins. We all jumped out of bed, and got ready as fast as we could and ran downstairs from our room and went to the lobby so our parents could take us.
When we arrived at the dolphin cove, we had to put on a special suit and we had to go into a room so one of the workers could explain what the rules are and what we were going to be doing. After he was done explaining all the rules and what we were going to do, we went into a huge pool that had salt water and the dolphins were swimming around. We got these machines that helped us go underwater and swim with the dolphins without having to do any work. We got stay in the water and take pictures with them for an hour and it was really fun and everyone enjoyed it.
Hopefully we do something as fun as what we did today for the rest of out trip. Good night.
Well at least you were having fun